Summer 2018: Elementary School Students

Welcome to the elementary school video selections for Summer 2018!

1. Click on the Play Video button to watch the film. You may watch the film as many times as you wish.
2. Click on the Online Questions button for the reflection questions for the film. You will need to fill in your name and select your school from the 2017-18 school year drop down menu. Talk with your parents about your responses and then ask them to help you type in your thoughts in the boxes provided.
3. When you finish, click on the submit button.

If you prefer to handwrite your answers, click on the Download the PDF button. You will need to give copies of these to your teacher when the school year begins.

  • Screen Time

    If you add the time some kids spend in front of a TV, computers, cell phones, video games or other screens, it’s more hours….

  • Silent Witness, Part 3

    Stanzi Sanders was bullied and teased in school. While she was being bullied, other kids and even friends didn’t do anything but watch.

  • Silent Witness, Part 5

    Students discuss different ways in which they can make a change to the bullying problems at their school.

  • Togetherness

    The cohesiveness of the Allstar Panthers cheerleading squad was tested when one of its members was injured during a competition. But with teamwork and cooperation, the squad adapted and overcame its challenges to perform its routine.

  • Tolerance

    Royida Amme feels like a typical American girl. But on September 11, 2001, after Muslim extremists committed violent acts in the name of Allah, Royida’s religion made her a possible target for ridicule and harassment.